Stone Soup Kitchen and Catering is a local catering company located in Nampa, Idaho. The owner, Kim, is not only a wonderful person she is also an incredible cook with over 20 years of experience.
Stone Soup’s catering business
Started in 2006, Stone Soup Kitchen and Catering is all about providing good, old- fashioned, home cooking. They do this while having integrity and honest business practices. Their menu includes comfort foods, superb soups, classic dinner table favorites, party trays, appetizers, and even mouth watering desserts. They have an amazing brunch menu and will even provide a made to order omelet bar. Their gourmet lunch boxes are a great solution for business lunches and they have a food truck for on-site corporate catering.
The website makeover
We built Stone Soup’s original website in 2009. That website was built using Joomla, and it served their needs for 4 years. As with all technology the time came for the website software to be updated. We discussed the options of updating to the latest version of Joomla or converting the entire website to WordPress. After explaining the many advantages of having a WordPress website they made the same decision that many of our clients have and converted.
With this website makeover came the opportunity for a complete redesign of the look and feel of their site. The changes are amazing. While their original site was very attractive, this new site adds an additional touch of sophistication and elegance. Stone Soup is a professional company and we feel that the new site better reflects their expertise.
Another great change was the addition of menus and menu items that can be updated within WordPress. Their original site contained menus that were produced by a graphic designer and added to their site as PDFs. This meant that every time their menu or prices changed they were dependent on the design firm to redo them. This took time and money. With the addition of this new menu system all of their menus and menu items can be easily maintained in house and updated at any time. We also added Print Friendly PDF which allows their customers to easily print or email these menus right from the website.
We think you will find Stone Soup’s new website intuitive and their food delicious. If you live in Nampa or anywhere in the Treasure Valley and have not tried them yet, you need to. Give them a call today and tell them Oasis Interactive sent you. You will not be disappointed.
Original Joomla website designed by Oasis Interactive
Website makeover in WordPress designed by Oasis Interactive