Web Design Makeover

Oasis Interactive web design prior to makeover
A web design makeover should be a critical part of every company’s web marketing plan. The trends in web design change at a lightening pace. What was in style a year ago most likely looks out of touch today. Your potential customers are judging your business based on the look of your website, as well as the content. If you haven’t had a web design makeover in the last two years, your clients will notice. As the new year starts and you evaluate your marketing strategy, revisiting your website should be at the top of your priority list.
Web Design Company Challenges
As a Boise web design company we we face the same challenges as most businesses. We can get so busy working in our business that we do not invest enough time working on our business. While we always make sure our clients have the most up-to-date and modern web technology, we can occasionally neglect our own website.
Website Upgrade
We recently realized that our website was in great need of a makeover. The look and feel needed to be modernized, our web design and graphic design portfolios needed to be updated, and our content needed to be revisited. Since we design our websites using WordPress we can put a new theme on them at any time and update the appearance. We did just that for our website and upgraded it to a much more modern look. We are very happy with how it turned out, and think it is a much better representation of the kind of work we are doing.
If your website is in need of some freshening up, we would love to help. We would be happy talk through changes that will bring it in line with today’s trends. Please give us a call today for a free web design consult.
Jade Stanley
Boise Web Design Specialist